I was checking out my brother, Sebastian's, blog and I realized that I have no photos of my school up. So this first photo is of the barn. The central part with the big doorway leads into the courtyard and to the right of it is the horse veterinary clinic. To the left of the doorway is the barn, its called "gammal ko" or old cow.
This next photo is of my house. It's called Äpplet. It's not super nice from the outside but I will have more photos of the inside soon, it's not that special either but it looks better than the outside.
This last photo is of the castle at our school, my brother and I are standing there by the door. It is really old, not sure how old (I can look that up) and is surrounded by a moat. Yes, a real moat.
That's all for now, today was normal. Wakeup for swedish lesson and then photography at 3 followed by history at 5 30.
Sick pics little sister. nice blog, but mine is better, sebmoes.wordpress.com.