I haven't updated again in a few days, wasn't quite as over my illness as I thought but I am sure now that I am pretty much back to full health. This weekend I am back in full swing as well! My friend Ida is working at an international horseback riding competition this weekend with many other Bollerup students. I am not participating because I wasn't aware of the potential to volunteer, also I was too sick during the week to go (they went all of Wednesday as well as this weekend), and someone needs to stay home and take care of the horses!
I start my days by taking Sidney, Ida's horse, out to the paddock and then veg at home for a while. In the afternoon I head back up to the barn and muck out his stall as well as Hera's. On top of mucking I had to set up Sidney's feed for the night and tomorrow morning, as well as his evening food. I also realized that because of being sick I have not spent any time with Fay in over a week. I went to check on her after I was done in Hera's stall and she was just as cuddly and happy to see me as ever. I finished up with all the mucking tools and decided to spend some time with Fay before getting Sidney in from his field. I spent about half an hour grooming her and making her pretty again as her tail and fur had gotten into quite the mess in my week of absence. I make sure to pick up her feet every time I see her even if I do not have a hoof pick as she starts to get fussy with picking up her legs if I haven't done so in a while.
Once Fay was back in her stall it was starting to get dark so I headed out to the fields to get Sidney in. He gladly walked back to the stable, awaiting his food. Now Sidney is lame right now because he has an infection in his left hind leg. Last year he had an operation on this leg because he had a bone chip, and I guess it took a long time for infection to set in or he got a cut and the leg was more susceptible to infection because of the surgery. I'm not sure. Anyway he is on antibiotics now for a couple weeks and since he is so big it is a little difficult for many to give him his medicine, hence me taking care of him and not another. Thus ends my day with the horses.
Another fun thing about this weekend is the title of this blog post. We had an Open House at Bollerup today for future students and their parents to see what the school is like. Last night we had a meeting and everyone had to take one aspect of cleaning to make sure the house was nice and clean for the visitors. It was kind of cool to have people walking around the house while we were watching, like we were on display.
Anyway, that is the weekend this week. Tomorrow will be much like today except for the Open House. Here is another photo of one of the foals just for fun:
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