Friday, December 3, 2010

Coming Around the Mountain

Christmas is just around the corner, I will be home in two weeks!!
I last wrote on November 30 the night of our pre-Naked Run. December first here is the Naked Run, a run where you run around in your underwear (or less if you want ;P) for a mile. We did a lot less then a mile, as a mile here is 10 km. I did participate in this event, and it was only my house that really did it (there were 4 people there who weren't from my house). At midnight of the 30th a few friends and I ran around with pants and a bra on to promote the run which would be happening the next night at the same time. To get an idea of how it was for us you have to know that it had been snowing and storming all day, luckily it had stopped storming while we were running. We did a loop around the stables and I was one of the first to get back to the start! Next was sitting on the couch for a couple hours with friends wrapped in blankets to warm back up.
It has been snowing everyday here for a while now, it is very beautiful here when there is no wind. Here are a few photos:
These photos are taken in the rare moments when the wind has died down enough that you can see where you are going...
It looks like there isn't much snow on the ground here but it is actually that the wind has moved in somewhere else, we do have a ton of snow! 
This is the courtyard of my house: Äpplet. We have a little christmas tree that has lights on it:
The snow has cancelled most of my classes because the teachers can't get to school, which is kinda nice. This leaves me with a lot more free time than I know what to do with so I have discovered some fashion blogs that I am getting into. One of such blogs is, I am setting up a widget on my sidebar for those who want to check it out. I spent some time with Tigris this week but I keep forgetting my camera which is not very good. I also spent time in the breeding stable yesterday helping out with stable duties as that class was cancelled. Foals are the cutest things! Photos of them are to come as my friend, Alice, got some cute ones of me with the babies. I also went into Tomelilla with the school and ICA, our grocery store, is now supplying Julmust for the holiday season:
Anyway I am just excited about everything going on and how close I am to coming home (17th!!) to see all my friends and my family!

Can't wait to see you all
Enjoy life!

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