Monday, May 16, 2011

Recent Update

So last time I posted I had just finished the week with the practice 3 year olds test and had had a good week with the horses.
It's been a while since my last post and everything has been going just as well! Jasmine achieved her jumping diploma at the 3 year olds test! She was one of only 3 Bollerup horses to get a diploma at the 3 year olds test. I'm training Jamarra to canter and it's also going really well.
Tigris is going great under saddle, possible going to canter this week! He will most likely be done for the summer by the end of the week and my teacher has asked me to help him with one of the other 3 year olds that hasn't had much work done yet.
I switched school horses to another horse that is a much better fit for me. She is much less complicated and so I can focus a lot more on my self in riding. I recently found out that I got MVG in jumping, top mark and VG in dressage (not sure that that is my final grade for dressage) which is not a bad mark. Marks here are IG (inte godkänt meaning not passing), G (godkänt or pass), VG and MVG.
My first ride on Wera

I've been working with Linda almost everyday the last few weeks, starting at 7 30 AM and working with her until at least 12. Then I usually work with Hans and Tigris in the afternoon. That means a lot of riding and lungeing and working with a ton of horses. Once a week we trailer out to another stables to jump a couple 4 year olds. Really nice horses they have here!
Over the weekend I went to Flyinge to see Saluhäst 2011, where Flyinge and Bollerup show their horses for sale and allow people to test ride them.

A couple weeks ago I went to the ball, a traditional prom.
Here is a couple photos:

Where we had the ball, an old cloister
It's been a really great few weeks again! It's crazy that school is almost over. I will be here until June 10th and then travelling with Sebastian around Europe!

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