Monday, March 7, 2011

Week 2 away: Flyinge

I got back to Bollerup at 10 30 PM on Sunday night from being away since the Friday a week before. You would think that finally arriving would be great and I could just crash on my bed and not worry about the next day. You would be wrong.
Once I got home I had to quickly change the clothing in my bag to what I would need for another 6 days away from school. I was off to work at a Stallion show at Flyinge.
At 6 AM, only 7 and a half hours after arriving back at Bollerup, I was off to Flyinge for 6 days. Flyinge is a school similar to Bollerup, only without the boarding. As far as I know it is primarily focused on equine studies, whereas Bollerup is also very big on their farming program.

The show I was working at all week was a stallion show. People bring their Swedish Warmblood horses to try and get them certified as a Stud, basically to say their genes are good enough to pass on based on their performance. This means that the horses are AMAZING!!
Here are a few photos, I did not take as many as I wanted but anyway:
                                     This is where we all slept       This is the Färs och Frosta
                                                                                              Stallet office
                                  This is how busy we were most         This is the coffee machine 
                                  of the time in the office                       that kept me alive
Some of the jobs I did were: whipper-in, ringmaster, and working in the office at Färs och Frosta Stallet.
We had shifts that could start as early as 6 AM, and end as late as 10 PM. Most of the shifts were about 2 hours long and you would have several per day doing something different in each one. Working in the office was pretty chill, we just wrote down which horses went out, what time and when they came back. The rest of the time we would go on the computer and check out the horses on the internet, or go on facebook. When we exhausted those options we would play solitair, or Harpan as it is called here. The week on the whole was great! I spoke a TON of swedish, really improved it and I used a lot of words I was afraid to use (because of being unsure of pronunciation or if it was the correct context) and I learned many new words. Here are a couple of horses that I loved from the show:
Sohn der Sonne
Luxus CML (SWB)
Zidane (SWB)
Zidane was my absolute favorite, unfortunately I could not find a photo of him under saddle in movement.

Anyway, hope you like the photos! Until next time!

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