Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I have been looking at my schedule on the internet for a few days, I usually don't know what is going on on Tuesdays because it changes every week.
My two classes that I am guaranteed are Unghäst (young horse) and Ridning (Riding). Today I had a new 3 year old to ride! Before we start with the two year olds everyone must skritt (walk), trava (trot), and gallop (canter) a three year old. One of the girls in the other group hasn't done so yet and apparently she is a little nervous. The instructors decided that Fay was the nicest mare so she had Fay today and I rode another horse. It was a three year old gelding named Gaston. He has a foot fungus so he has been a little lame for a while, he hasn't been cantered since the summer and my instructors felt that I could handle him. He was really nice, much bigger and stronger than Fay. Here is a photo:
He was a little uncooperative with the camera.

I also rode Ruzzin again today, she is a little bit of a strange one to ride. But fun.
First thing we did this morning was called Lastning. Hence the title of this blog post, which translates to loading. We had a test for loading horses onto a trailer.

I'm off to Luxembourg, and Belgium at the end of the week!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Viktoria,
    Laura and Delilah and Oliver and Uncle Paul and I all had dinner with your mom last weekend and enjoyed it very much. We are all looking forward to seeing you and Sebastian at Christmas which is creeping up on us.

    Delilah is away at outdoor school for the whole week. This is the first time that she has been away from all family. She was very excited to go. I will be taking her to Mexico before Christmas to spend some time with Laura's family in Mexico City and Acapulco. Oliver didn't want to go this time. He ran his first series of cross country races over the last four weeks. I watched him race yesterday. He stopped to help a friend of his who had fallen so he didn't do as well as he had hoped but still very much enjoyed the experience. It was good to see him help his friend rather than try for A top five finish.
    Thanks for all your postings. I appreciate reading about your amazing life (at least in my humble opinion.

    Uncle Alistair
